Whirlpool has been one of the leading appliance brands on the market for awhile now. If our client's washing machine or dryer breaks down, we often recommend them to purchase Whirlpool laundry appliances.
Why Do We Recommend Whirlpool Washing Machine and Dryers?
Whirlpool washers and dryers tend to have have the longest lifespan of roughly 14-17 years. This is a really long time for a washing machine to last! With any electronic, without proper maintenance, they are likely to not last their full expected lifespan. Kind of like a human, if you do not take care of your health, your lifespan may be decreased.
To Get the Longest Lifespan Out of Your Washing Appliances - Routine Maintenance is Required
Whirlpool Laundry Maintenance
The average Whirlpool washer and dryer combination costs anywhere from $1000 to $3000. Putting in a few minutes a month for maintenance is worth the time. This can help you reduce the amount of times your washing machine breaks down on you. An appliance with proper maintenance will likely have to see an appliance repair technician as much.
Washer Maintenance
i) Ensure to always use the right amount of laundry detergent. Using too much laundry detergent can have negative effects on your washing machine. Visit here to learn more about using the proper amount of detergent.
ii) Use a cleaner that is specifically for cleaning washing machines, in your washing machine every month.
iii) Make sure to clean the door seal boot every month. This is the seal that ensures that the door is sealed when it is closed.
iv) Inspect your washing hose on a regular basis and ensure there is no cracks or holes. If you find cracks or holes on your inspection, replace the hose as needed.
Dryer Maintenance
i) Ensure to clean the lint filter after every use or before each new use. Cleaning the filter will ensure that your dryer is running at it's best every time.
ii) Check your dryer vents every 6 months and remove any debris that has built up in them. You can use a dryer vent cleaning kit to help you complete this.
iii) Use dryer balls instead of dryer sheets to reduce wax build up in your lint filter.
iv) Do not overfill your dryer with clothes, this will make your dryer work overtime to dry the clothes.
If your Whirlpool washer or dryer has broken down on you, it is important to call in a licensed appliance repair technician. Once your appliances are back up and running, follow these tips to make sure that your appliances do not break down on you again.
*Legal disclaimer: this is a referral based website. All work is completed by a professional.