When an ice maker is working, having it becomes a major convenience. By making ice for you, it is saving you time. If you have found yourself with an ice maker that is no longer working, you may be wondering how you can fix it yourself. But before you can fix it yourself, you have to understand how an ice machine makes ice. Below you can find how your ice maker works and what could be the possible cause to its malfunction.
How Does an Ice Maker Work?
Before the ice machine was invented, everyone had to tend to making ice on their own. You must fill an ice mold and put it in the freezer, waiting for the ice to freeze before having yourself ice. The ice maker in your fridge is the same, just automated.
Your ice maker must be connected to power and a water line to work efficiently. You must ensure that you have plumbing to your fridge so your ice machine has access to water. Once it is connected to water and power, it should automatically begin the ice making process. The first stage is the electrical signal that sends a signal to the water valve to begin filling the ice mold with water. The mold is contained in the freezer, once it is filled, it begins to freeze. When the thermostat indicates that the ice cubes have reached a temperature of -12 to -15 degrees celsius, a signal is sent to begin the next stage of the process.
Once the internal temperature is reached, a signal is sent to the heating coil to begin heating the mold to loosen the ice cubes. The ejector blades then go to work to propel the ice cubes out of the mold and into the collection tray. This cycle is going to continue until the power is turned off or the collection tray hits its maximum capacity.
This entire process has many parts to it which means that a stationary or moving part may be malfunctioning.
Why is My Ice Maker Not Making Ice?
As previously mentioned, there are multiple different parts that your machine uses to make ice. Some fixes can be simple while others may be more complex. If it is a complex issue, it will require an appliance repair technician to fix it. We have put together a list of common easy to fix issues:
There can be even more simpler fixes such as the power being turned off, to see if the power is turned off, ensure that the shut-off arm is flipped to the down position. If it is in the upright position, it is turned off. If you followed this list and nothing has fixed your broken ice machine, call our technicians in to repair it for you!
*Legal disclaimer: this is a referral based website. All work is completed by a professional.